Sunday, May 21, 2017

Motor Rotation

Many single phase motors can only turn in one direction. For example, pump motors and fan motors. Since the pumps and fans they operate only work in one direction, the motors that drive them re usually built for one direction.  This can pose a problem for service techs when replacing these motors. Often, service motors solve this problem by being reversible. However, OEM replacement motors are generally not reversible, so you must specify the correct motor rotation. To do this you need to understand the terminology that is used to describe motor direction.

There are only two possible rotations: clockwise and counter-clockwise. However, there are also two perspectives: looking at the shaft end of the motor or looking at the lead end (opposite the shaft end). A motor which turns clockwise looking at the shaft end is turning counter-clockwise when viewed from the lead end! The point is that just stating a direction is not good enough. You must also identify a perspective.

There are several names for the two possible perspectives. The most common are shaft end and lead end. The shaft end can also be called the output end, drives end, or pulley end. The lead end is sometimes referred to by placing “opposite” in front of whatever phrase is used to describe the shaft end; such as, “opposite drive end.”

Normally these descriptions are abbreviated, which tends to add to the confusion. Below is  list of some of the abbreviation used. The graphic above each group uses an arrow to show the rotation looking at the motor shaft.

CCWSE Counterclockwise shaft end
CCWOE Counterclockwise output end
CCWDE Counterclockwise drive end
CCWPE Counterclockwise pulley end
CWLE   Clockwise lead end

CWSE  Clockwise  shaft end
CWOE Clockwise output end
CWDE Clockwise drive end
CWPE Clockwise pulley end
CCWLE Counterclockwise lead end


  1. I saw one today that said CCWOSE. Curious.

  2. I saw one CWOSE (US motors rescue motor) I'm guessing it means clockwise opposite shaft end ?

  3. Down on driverside front. Redneck Way!

  4. Most motors descriptions are CCw or CW, does this mean viewed from the shaft end?
