Sunday, February 26, 2017

Slow Times

I believe most of the United States is experiencing unseasonably warm weather right now. Here it is the end of February and friends in Chicago are going to the zoo, people are gardening in New Jersey, and here in Georgia folks are running around in shorts and tees. So, what are you doing with all the spare time? The warm February weather is nice, but it is not very good for business! I have a suggestion for your down time. When you get tired of cleaning up the shop and the truck, how about investing some time into education? Now that you have time, invest some time studying those things that you never have time to get to during a busy season. You can take classes or just do some self-study and research. It is very easy to get information now, so take advantage of your time. Studying during slow times is a great way to prepare for the future.

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